
Developers Clicker Game

The WebDeveloper Game

(strategy clicker game)


Do you have what it Takes to be a Software Developer?




Hunger :            

Software Skills:  

You currently work as a begger person.

Current Pay: $2

Days Elapsed: 1

Software Applications: 0

Rent and Bills Per 30 Days: $0

Rent and Bills Accumulated: $0

Total Clicks: 0

Money earned: $0


To Win - Become A Software Developer in 1460 days (4 years).

If your Entertainment or Hunger Drops to Zero you will die.

If you Run out of Money You will die.

Be sure to pay your bills before they reach 100%!

Take Time to Search For Software Jobs - Be warned Your bills will continue to pileup if you search for jobs Instead of working

Searching for Software Jobs will result in temporary 50% penality to you income

Your software skill will drop slowly overtime if you dont take time to keep learning

Click A Food Item to Eat it


+ 30 cost

+ 2 hunger

-2 health

+ 2 entertainment


+ 10 cost

+ 1 hunger

+ 1 health

0 entertainment

Fancy Vegies

+ 20 cost

+ 2 hunger

+ 1 health

+ 1 entertainment

Rent a Home!

broke house

+ 700 Rent_Cost

+ 1 Daily_Health

0 Daily_Entertainment

medium house

+ 1200 Rent_Cost

rich house

+ 2000 Rent_Cost

+ 2 Daily_Health

+ 4 Daily_Entertainment