Welcome to the MalcMind Work Search App! This page will walk you through Installation and app usage. front matter: fenced block:
The next thing you'll want to do is activate the extension by clicking the activate button. You'll need to be logged in with an account for the button to work. If you don't have an account you can simply click the login button to make an account.
The Work Search App lets you Autofill your job applications and also keeps your work searches organized.
The central repository for your job applications is located at https://malcmind.com/Work-Search-App (you must be logged in to your account)
For your job application to be saved into your work search history you must annotate and save the job application. Ideally we want to have the job title, company name, and job summary annotated. Also make sure the buttons are Enabled
in the Task bar.
button. You can also highlight the job title and click the button to save.
button. You can also highlight the job company and click the button to save.
button. You can also highlight the job description and click the button to save.
Updatd Applied Jobs
to save the job to your job history.Lets face it, filling in the same information over and over can be repetitive and downright draining. Which brings the best part of the Work Search App - the AI tool!
AI Button
, the Work Search app will then Autofill the entire application using your Resume data!*Some data may be used for AI model training purposes - so be sure to not share any sensitive data.